Thank You Ma'aM Question Answer

Thank You Ma’aM Question & Answer

Thank You Ma’am by Langston Hughes is a well-known short story. It is a tender story about the nature of kindness, truth and second chances. This article gives an overview of some important questions and answers based on the story ‘Thank You, Ma’am.

Through answering these queries, we will explore the characters, events and morals employed in this tale. Recognizing these details will enable you to empathize with the characters and get home what Manischewitz is attempting to convey.

What is the Story Thank You, Ma’am.

Thank You Ma’am is a story that revolves around a boy and Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones, the woman he had tried to rob before being saved by her in the last moments of daylight on an evening after school Roger wants to steal Mrs Jones’ purse.

That night as he puts it, so that can get himself some shoes Except that, instead of handing Roger over to the police or turning irate, Mrs Jones does something interesting.

She brings Roger home for dinner and talks to him about life. Mrs Jones teaches Roger trust, and responsibility through her kindness and at the end of the day gives him the money that he wanted for shoes.

This story was about pity and redemption. Mrs. Jones understands what Roger is going through and decides to help him instead of scolding him him, which proves that humans need support sometimes rather than punishment.

Roger was trying to steal Mrs. — Jones’ purse for what reason?

When reading “Thank You Ma’am”, one of the first questions that might pop up in your head is why Roger tried to rob Mrs. Jones’ purse. This is echoed in what Roger goes through.

You are a little boy with barely any worldly possessions. In response to Mrs Jones’ question regarding why he tried taking her purse, Roger tells the truth and says that his sister wanted money for blue suede shoes. That Roger stole because he liked it and wanted something, as symbolized by the candy bar. He always felt that he had no other choice than to steal something.

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This query makes us much more valuable when we start to understand why Roger does what he implemented. While it does not justify stealing, Roger did have a good reason and you must remember he is just a kid who made the same type of mistake out of desperation.

What is Mrs. Jones’ response to Roger?

Mrs. Jones unexpectedly responds to Roger. When Roger steals her bag, she latches on to him and asks why he took it… instead of being upset with him or simply calling the cops.

She brings him to her home and cleans and feeds him. What she did was thoughtful. In plain terms, Mrs. Jones understands that she is dealing with just a kid who screwed up badly at home so compassion follows naturally as well as pulls us in. RESPONSIBLE His mom would make him pay for it, assuming he ever revealed to her the dastardly deed.

The storybook takes the high road; rather Mrs. Jones shows Roger kindness and trust It causes Roger to behave differently, and that is the magic of this interaction. He observes that Mrs. Jones is not a woman to be used and he becomes loyal to her, as well.

What lesson does Mrs Jones teach Roger?

The next crucial question would be, which lesson did Mrs. Jones teach Roger? Mrs Jones teaches Roger that kindness and trust can change someone who had been up to this point living a dishonest life, but that even the shiftiest of people will act when they encounter such human decency(clone).

Mrs. Jones does not punish Roger or berate him for his actions — instead, she offers him a second opportunity in life. Then she says that no one is perfect but anyway, when Brer Fox was young he did some fine things—like Roger.

Mrs. Jones wants Roger to know that making a mistake does not make you a bad person But more importantly, it’s how you react after the mistake that matters.

His foster mother Mrs. Jones models generosity when she makes him buy her the shoes since he tried to steal money from her and also judges him lightly, which gives support for understanding and empathy instead of judgement to Roger. The moral of the story is kindness ripples, it can touch hearts and heal wounds maybe those who wilted for doing wrong.

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Answering short questions based on Thank You Ma'am

How Roger Changes in the Story

Another important question is what Roger learns by the end of the story. Roger attacks Mrs Jones while trying to rob her purse, the first time we meet him; He is conniving and only thinks about himself. But as the story progresses, we see Roger evolve.

When Mrs. Jones is kind to him, Roger begins feeling remorse for what he has done. He even considers running if he gets an opportunity, but instead follows Mrs. Jones home.

By stories end, Roger is a changed little boy. He does not turn around again into Mrs. Jones hideous thief that runs away with the money. In time, he hears her advice and learns that more valuable than the shoes he’s been coveting kindness & trust.

Roger steps away from Mrs Jones’ home more grateful and less changed. This transformation is also what makes “Thank You Maam” such an important story.

What does the title “Thank You Ma’am” Mean?

The title of the story is “Thank You,, Ma’am”. FINAL NOTE: This is not just something Roger says at the end of your story. The words “Thank you” are a statement by Roger, that he is grateful for the kindness Mrs. Jones extended to him She did not take up the incidence to steal from her. Instead, it taught him how to be a better man.

But when you call a woman, ma’am and even men have their title of respect. It is a polite way to address women, and it indicates that at the end of the narrative, Roger has learned respect for Mrs. Jones.

The lesson is teaching more than a thank-you, as the title implies. It is the respect, trust and kindness that Mrs. Jones showed Roger how he learned to appreciate them too.

Where is trust an important element in this story?

Thank You Ma’am Trust is a main theme in ” Thank You Ma” Lord of the Flies conveys that we need rules so nothing like this ever goes on. When Mrs. Jones lets Roger into her home, this is an example of trust.

She does not blame him for the time he tried to steal from her She feels safe enough to sit and have lunch with him, and even set her purse in front of him. That was significant because it meant that Mrs Jones believed people should be given a second chance.

In Rogers’s case, this trust is a new practice. He is not accustomed to kindness; this random human barely knows him, and yet she has faith in him. Initially, he does not know what to do but as the story unfolds Roger discovers that trust and generosity outweigh his want for new shoes. At the end of the story, he has an increased respect for Mrs. Jones and doesn’t abuse her trust.

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What is the Role of Kindness in “Thank You Ma’am”?

More than anything, “Thank you Ma’am” is about kindness. Mrs. Jones could treat Roger as a crook but chooses to show some compassion instead.

She knows that Roger is a boy who needs instruction, not repercussions. Mrs Jones demonstrates that kindness is more effective than a roasting kid. Shellwow! Roger, instructs him that people are nice when you ask them to be.

And Roger learns what it means to be kind. Environmental Mrs. Jones to me changes his outlook on life. But that the world can still be a place where others give an iota about your well-being and you do learn to act right when another treats this same kindness back at ya. This is the larger message in this story of how even helping just one person can change their lives.

How Does the Story End?

Roger ended the story unable to articulate much more but he did say, “Thank you Ma-am.” Saying this in such a few words is power. Roger is thankful, but it sounds so fucking trite.

He wants to say things back in words not of his creation because they feel more real than anything else could sound right now. The ending suggests that Roger will be a long time recovering from the experience. The lesson he learned of trust, kindness and second chances.

Mrs. Jones does not ask for anything in return She shows Roger grace without wanting to get anything from it, asking for no thank-yous and has never asked for any repayments.

And it ends by showing that sometimes the best way to help is simply giving without expecting anything in return. That edit makes the ending both warm and powerful.


Langston’s HHughes’sshort short story, Thank You Ma’am is about kindness trust and a second chance. Through some key questions and answers about the narrative, we observe how Mrs Jones changes Roger in addition to giving him important lessons in life simulation.

The Teacher Struggle Was Real — But It Prepared Me Like No Other Above all, the story serves as a reminder that when we treat people humanely they can change and more importantly teaches us how trust and understanding are potent methods of assisting others.

From this summary of Thank You Ma’am questions and answers, I came to know that the story has many valuable lessons for young readers. Mrs. Jones saves Roger by choosing to be kind instead of punishing, thus showing that even the worst person deserves a second chance.

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