350+ TOP Introduction to Philosophy MCQs and Answers
1. The total number of Vedas is.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
2. Philosophy is originally a word.
a. English
b. Latin
c. greek
d. Spanish
3. Philosophy deals with Reality.
a. a part
b. the whole
c. the illusion
d. none of these
4. ‘Esthetikos’ is a word.
a. greek
b. Latin
c. french
d. Spanish
5. Taoism belongs to the tradition.
a. Japanese
b. oriental
c. occidental
d. none of these
6. does not belong to Oriental tradition.
a. India
b. china
c. japan
d. none of these
7. is not a heterodox system.
a. Samkhya
b. Buddhism
c. lokayata
d. Jainism
8. implies ‘accepting the authority of the Vedas.’
a. heterodox
b. orthodox
c. oriental
d. occidental
9. According to the law of karma, every karma leads to.
a. moksha
b. phyla
c. dharma
d. all these
10. The portion of Vedas that deals with rituals is known as.
a. mantras
b. Brahmanas
c. Aranyakas
d. Upanishads
11. Polytheism implies that Monism refers to one.
a. two
b. three
c. many
d. all these
12. Belief in one God is referred to as.
a. henotheism
b. monotheism
c. Monism
d. polytheism
13. Samkhya propounded .
a. dualism
b. Monism
c. monotheism
d. polytheism
14. is an Oriental system.
a. Buddhism
b. absolute idealism
c. scholasticism
d. all these
15. ‘Scire’ is the root word of.
a. system
b. epistemology
c. Sophia
d. science
16. Metaphysics is a branch of.
a. physics
b. metaethics
c. philosophy
d. none of these
17. Science is not based on.
a. experiment
b. fait
c. observation
d. hypotheses
18. is the inquiry into ‘being in general.’
a. ontology
b. physics
c. epistemology
d. ethics
19. is a representative of pluralism.
a. Spinoza
b. fiche
c. Descartes
d. Leibnitz
20. is not a positive science.
a. biology
b. sociology
c. ethics
d. anthropology
21. Which language is the word” philosophy” derived from?
a. English
b. Latin
c. Greek
d. Italian
22. How many types of Philosophy are there?
a. three
b. four
c. five
d. six
23. The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and _____.
a. bioethics
b. logic
c. aesthetics
d. categorical logic
24. The study of Reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and its things, is known as _____.
a. metaphysics
b. epistemology
c. quantum physics
d. axiology
25. Questions like “What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as _____.
a. logic
b. metaphysics
c. epistemology
d. aesthetics
26. Who is the father of philosophy?
a. Thales
b. Plato
c. Socrates
d. Aristotle
27. man is the measure of all things, according to______?
a. Thales
b. Plato
c. Protagoras
d. Aristotle
28. Idealism is a systematic philosophy that teaches the supremacy of__?
a. spirit over matter
b. noumena
c. God
d. materialism
29. Who said that “an unexamined life is not worth living”?
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Anximander
d. Aristotle
3o. The Republic is the famous work of__?
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Anximander
d. Aristotle
31. The city of god is the work of__?
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. St.Augustine
d. Aristotle
32. Anaximander’s Cosmology gives rise to a __?
a. heliocentric
b. teleological
c. geocentric
d. god
33. Who believed in the immorality, transmigration, and reincarnation of souls?
a. Pythagoras
b. Lionians
c. Atomists
d. Eleatic
14. Who was concerned about public speaking rather than thinking well?
a. Materialists
b. Idealists
c. Rationalists
d. Sophists
35. Who said a man is the measure of all things?
a. Protagoras
b. Socrates
c. St.Augustine
d. Aristotle
36. According to dualism, Reality is _.
a. twofold
b. many
c. one
d. indivisible
37. Ultimate Reality is the concern of.
a. metaphysics
b. skepticism
c. aesthetics
d. pragmatism
38. Each science deals with Reality.
a. a part
b. the whole\
c. all parts
d. none of these
39. is a representative of idealism.
a. carmakers
b. Marx
c. engels
d. none of these
40. Epistemology is concerned with knowledge.
a. origin
b. validity
c. limitation
d. all these
41. Skeptics consider truth as
a. certain
b. necessary
c. probable
d. practical
42. hold coherence theory.
a. realists
b. idealists
c. both (a) and (b)
d. neither (a) nor (b)
43. John Dewey is a/an.
a. rationalist
b. absolutist
c. idealist
d. pragmatist
44. Mind-body dualism is the position of.
a. charles pierce
b. John Dewey
c. Descartes
d. none of these
45. coined the term ‘Aesthetics.’
a. Socrates
b. plato
c. Aristotle
d. alexander baumgarten
46. Summum bonum is the concern of .
a. aesthetics
b. metaphysics
c. epistemology
d. ethics
47. is a normative discipline.
a. ethics
b. aesthetics
c. both (a) and (b)
d. neither (a) nor (b)
48. Positive sciences are basically.
a. descriptive
b. prescriptive
c. normative
d. all these
49. Mores means.
a. norm
b. ethics
c. knowledge
d. custom
50. ‘First Philosophy’ refers to.
a. aesthetics
b. metaphysics
c. epistemology
d. ethics
51. Who introduced the term ‘natura naturata’
a. Spinoza
b. Leibniz
c. kant
d. Descartes
52. —— is not an Idealist
a. Hegel
b. kant
c. Leibniz
d. all these
53. Who advocated the theory of Pre-established Harmony?
a. Descartes
b. Leibniz
c. Spinoza
d. Hegel
54. Berkeley belongs to ————school4
a. rationalism
b. empiricism
c. idealism
d. none of these
55. Who among the following is not an empiricist
a. Leibniz
b. hume
c. Locke
d. Berkeley
56. Tabula rasa refers to——–
a. empty cabinet
b. subtle emotion
c. knowledge
d. none of these
57. According to Locke, which one of the following is a secondary quality
a. solidity
b. color
c. extension
d. none of these
58. The subject matter of Kant’s Rational Psychology is
a. the idea of the world
b. the idea of God
c. unity of self
d. none of
59. Who among the following is an empiricist philosopher
a. Leibniz
b. Spinoza
c. hume
d. none of these
60. —— admits innumerable monads or spiritual atoms
a. Hegel
b. kant
c. Leibniz
d. all these
61. In Transcendental Aesthetic, Kant discusses the theory of—–
a. morality
b. existence of God
c. space and time
d. none of these
62. ———– viewed the universe pantheistically as a single infinite substance God
a. Leibniz
b. hume
c. Spinoza
d. none of these
63. ——- thinks that substance is to be defined by active force
a. Berkeley
b. Leibniz
c. hume
d. none of these
64. According to Locke, Colour is a —–
a. primary quality
b. secondary quality
c. both
d. none of these
65. Absolute Idealism is conceived as the philosophy of ——
a. kant
b. Berkeley
c. Hegel
d. none of these
66. Psycho-physical parallelism is propounded by ——-
a. hume
b. kant
c. Hegel
d. none of these
67. —– is not an Idealist philosopher
a. kant
b. Berkeley
c. Hegel
d. none of these
68. ‘Geist’ is the crucial notion of —–
a. hume
b. kant
c. Hegel
d. none of these
69. Kant and Hegel belong to ——- school
a. empiricism
b. rationalism
c. idealism
d. none of these
70. Who defines an idea as ‘whatever is meant by phantasm, notion, species, or whatever it is which the mind can be employed about in thinking’?
a. hume
b. Locke
c. kant
d. Hegel