Leela's Friend Question Answer

Leela’s Friend Question & Answer

Leela’s Friend is an endearing tale written by such a great Tamil author R.K. Narayan, who has made us analytical towards life, friends and understanding beings around us.

This is a story about Leela, who was an all-girl and she had a friend named Sidda who sea servant in her house. Since these two have a special kind of relationship, we get to learn so much about how humans should treat one another and why they lighten up in the first place but also see what sets us apart from them.

Leela’s Friend Question Answer – Here with us we come up looking an understanding of the story. The playful, childlike Leela doesn’t mind if Sidda is poor or if he works for the family.

All he is to her, more or less, is a friend who plays with and tells stories. The tale also indicates significant morals to humanity like compassion, trust and friendship between people from various social backgrounds.

Who Are the Main Characters in the Story?

Leela’s Friend: Leela and Sidda are the main characters in this short story. Leela is a young girl who loves to play. She is inquisitive, and high-spirited and keeps Sidda—her distant cousin living with the family to assist with household duties—company.

Sidda is a good-hearted person who toils too hard and has the patience of Saa for Leela. Still, he should be her friend though a builder. It looks like Leela enjoys Sidda, too.

They play ball and Leela asks Sidda many questions. She inquires and rejects her to not indulge and feel proud, and rates him by making fun stories about experienced Siddaher. He is not just ave to her, he has become a friend. However, the tale takes a dark turn when Leela’s parents begin to suspect Sidda.

What Is the Story About?

Leela’s Friend: Friendship knows no boundaries. Leela is wealthy and Sidda poor. He may not have a lot, but he invests his time and attention on Angela. It was a story of how Leela — an 8-8-year-old school child gives two hoots to money or status.

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I think she simply enjoys talking to Sidda as he plays with her, teaches new things or makes her a knowledgeable happy person. Unfortunately, the story goes on.

LeLeela’sother finds that the gold chain she was wearing is missing and straight away Daddy homes into her mind. Just because Sidda is poor, they didn’t even want to ask him and all think he took it. The police later question and take Sidda away, but he firmly denies taking the chain.

Leela is there, confused and sad having no idea why her friend had gone. She keeps calling for Sidda, and nobody will give her the time of day. The chain will then be seen back in the house, further clearing Sidda Unfortunately, by then we had already suffered through the mistreatment of Sidda just because some people presumed his profile.

Lessons We Learn from the Story

Leela and Sidda taught us many lessons through their story. One of the biggest lessons is not to judge people so freely. Leela’s parents take for granted that Sidda, their impoverished janitor and another candidate as a matter of course is the thief in this case.

Even though he is nice and always looks after Leela, they do not trust him. We see that people can be judged unrightfully due to the place they are in.

The next big one is the forgiveness of kids. Leela is baffled as to why Sidda has to experience such abuse. Sidda is merely a friend to her, she doesn’t mind that he worked for the family or that his station at birth was vastly different from hers.

It is a lesson we should all learn; children often see the world with more fairness than adults, and their eyes turn to actions of kindness before concentrating on affluence or caste.

The narrative is also that of trust. Leela believes in Sidda but her parents do not encourage her. Her Leela and her father see Sidda so differently, one of the key points in this very dysfunctional family tale. It makes me think about how trust is ree of the key aspects of our friendships and relationships.

class 11 english leela's friend question answer

Why Did Sidda and Leela Become Good Friends?

Sidda and Leela become friends because they love to be together. When not buried at work, Sidda always finds a way to play with Leela. He tells her stories, plays catch with her ball and of course answers all the questions she’s got. Leela enjoys hanging out with Sidda because he has a great sense of humour and is very patient.

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Sidda — who labours for Leela’s family and is constantly in her way but never complains or gets agitated about lying. He handles her gingerly and with respect, which only strengthens their bond. Leela for her part, does not think of Sidda as a servant.

She was brought in by Alok to look after him so that Narayani could take care of the baby fulfil-time but as far as Rose is concerned, Sidda — that’s me in non-canine form for those of you keeping track at home Rose says simply listens and then wrestles with her girl so nothing else really matters.

His friendship with King made him realise that concern and companionship always create the right bond. Sidda, who had very little money and even less standing in the community gave Leela something more precious than all that: he offered her his time and friendship.

Why Did Leela’s Parents Suspect Sidda?

Dehumanization: Leela’s parents think it is Sidda who stole the gold chain because is poor and a servant. After they notice the chain is gone — and assume Sidda has taken it, instead of considering that she might have mislaid or lost it.

They feel Sidda does not have enough that if he had seen the chain they would have beenicked badly. This section of the story reveals people who are quick to judge unfairly according to their social status or background.

Although Sidda has been good to their daughter, Leela’s parents refuse to trust him. They quickly point fingers at him, without any evidence to prove so resulting in Sidda being leeway by the police.

Eventually, when the chain is found in the house Leela’s parents realize their folly. However, the damage was done by then. Poor man he never seemed to be more undeservedly treated than by them.

What Happened to Sidda?

Leela’s mother accuses Sidda of stealing the gold chain and takes him to the lice. Sidda: He says he didn’t take the chain. People just regard him as full because he is a servant so by default they think should be responsible. This deeply unjust judgment alters the course of Sidda’s life and is never returned toter we see him being taken away.

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It is sad to know that Sidda did not steal anything, but he got punished for a sin he never committed. It forces us to consider just how some people can be mistreated simply based on who they are or where they come from. It serves as an example that we should always be kind and just, because you never know who people are.

How Does Leela Feel About Sidda?

Sidda makes her feel a kind of thick friendship. She enjoys playing with him and learning from him throughout the story. Leela can’t figure out what’s going on as Sidda is dragged away.

She has been asking for Sidda because she is looking to see him and play with her amigo She cannot fathom why Sidda has gone, and she is unaware there are accusations against him.

In all of this, Leela is also one who beautifully nanarrateser innocence that carries how unpolluted her relationship with Sidda. Sidda was a servant and his upbringing poor but she cared not about it.

Nothing else was more important to her than the time they shared and how much fun it had been. The sad part about Her not being around for Sidda made me realise how much She loved their bond.

The Importance of Kindness and Fairness

Moving forward towards the deeper significance of the story “Leela’s Friend Question Answer.” From the friendship of Leela and Sidda, we understand that a real existing friend is not money-centric, status-driven socially cl class-gated and we learn, too soon in life: Don’t judge people; you never know what struggles they’re facing.

Leela is from the heart and Sidda represents kindness, so they have shown that friendship means to understand someone by living in their shoes. The story tells us to be kind to others, trust the one who loves you and never judge anyone by their background. After all, we are all white and deserving of common courtesy and respect; much like Leela showed to Sidda.

The story of Leela’s Friend will never leave us because it shows the biggest life which is also being kind, trusting people and having the little amount that can lead you into such a great friendship. When you read that story, remember how Leela treated everyone with respect — even people she barely knew.

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