RBT Practice Exam 75 Questions Free PDF | RBT Exam Number of Questions | Free RBT Practice Exam 75 Questions
1. This indicates the availability of Reinforcement.
a. Sdbelta
b. VR-3
c. SD
d. SR-
2. How long does the Behavior occur? What measurement dimension does it refer to?
a. Duration
b. Momentary time sampling
c. Latency
d. Tally/ Count
 3. Which is the best example of maintaining client royalness?
a. Sharing a client’s credential information with other RBTs
b. Explai to the waitress that your Client has dissociability during a CBI
c. Not restricting the Client’s right to food or water
d. Sharing a client’s credential information with a peer
4. What type of consequential Operation occurs when a stimulus is added to the environment and decreases Behavior over time?
a. Positive Reinforcement
b. Negative Reinforcement
c. Positive Punishment
d. Negative Punishment
5. What do the words “escape,” “attention,” “tangible,” and “sensory” mean?
a. Teaching strategies
b. Functions of Behavior
c. Dimensions of ABA
d. Types of prompts
6. Which is the best way to communicate treatment progress with a client’s parents?
a. We changed her reinforcement schedule from an FR5 to a VR3. Today
b. We probed out handwashing Today. The BCBA will check and analyze the task and create a task sequence to implement the following session.
c. The Client’s Behavior was evil Today. The BCBA plan isn’t working
d. Today, we worked on brushing her teeth. She successfully tried the tooth-paste and touched it for 30 seconds
7. John is recording data on aggression by counting the number of scratches left on his body after a session. What kind of measurement is this?
a. Duration
b. Time sampling
c. Continuous measurement
d. Permanent product
8. Mass trials are represented by which of the following?
a. A therapist continuously shows the same SD to a student, encouraging the same specific conduct trial after trial until the student completes five requested proper trials in a row.
b. A teacher hands students a worksheet with 100 problems and tells them, “You have 3 minutes.
c. Make an effort!” During a trial, a scientist mass-tests hundreds of samples of a new invention.
d. All of the above.
9. On average, Reinforcement is given every 2 minutes while the behaviors occur. What kind of reinforcement program is this?
a. VI-2
b. VR-2
c. FR-2
d. FI-2
10. You work with a client three hours per day. During these hours, your Client engages in verbal stereotypy. Your BCBA wants to test a differential reinforcement. She tells you to reinforce the Client whenever they are not in verbal stereotypy. What type of differential Reinforcement is this?
a. DRA
b. DRI
c. DRO
d. DRL
11. Escape, attention, tangible, sensory
a. Functions of behavior
b. Teaching strategies
c. Types of prompts
d. Dimensions of ABA
12. Determined by ABC Data
a. Prompt level
b. Duration
c. Function
d. Inter-response time
13. The breakdown of a task into its components and steps.
a. Discrete trial
b. Forward chaining
c. Stimulus control
d. Task analysis
14. Signals that Reinforcement is available.
a. Sd
b. Sdelta
c. SR-
d. VR-3
15. Examples are food, water, and sleep.
a. Secondary reinforcement
b. Primary reinforcement
c. Sd
d. Consequence of Behavior
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16. The most common form of graph used in ABA is:
a. Line Graph
b. Pie chart
c. Histogram
d. Scatter plot
 17. Frequency and rate are often used interchangeably. However, there is a distinction. Which statement is correct?
a. Frequency is more accurate than rate
b. Rate has more excellent reliability than frequency
c. Rate to Frequency with the addition of a component
d. The only rate is event recording
18. Consistently reinforcing Behavior changes
a. Shaping
b. Chaining
c. Reinforcing
d. Prompting
19. What does the term “response latency” mean?
a. The time delay between the SD and a reinforcer/punisher
b. The delay of time between a stimulus and a given response
c. A trial’s length
d. It takes for a behavior to begin and then stop
20. This raises the likelihood of future activity.
a. Motivation
b. Reinforcement
c. Punishment
d. Rewards
21. Reinforcers that get their reinforcing properties by combining with another reinforcer are called ——-.
a. Paired Items
b. Unconditioned
c. Negative Reinforcers
d. Conditioned
22. Examples are money and tokens.
a. Primary reinforcement
b. Conditioned reinforcer
c. Economic reinforcement
d. Fiscal considerations
23. Increases the future likelihood of Behavior.
a. Punishment
b. Motivation
c. Rewards
d. Reinforcement
24. This is a task breakdown into its components and steps.
a. Discrete trial
b. Forward chaining
c. Stimulus control
d. Task analysis
25. the following are acceptable for a professional relationship between an RBT and supervising BCBA EXCEPT ____.
a. The RBT implements the treatment plan as directed no matter what
b. The RBT contributes ideas and input about the shared client
c. The BCBA provides feedback to the RBT about the RBT’s performance in the field
d. The BCBA can request that the RBT assist in parent training and functional behavior assessments
26. Adding a stimulus that increases the future likelihood of Behavior.
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Positive punishment
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Negative punishment
27. Verbal Behavior with point-to-point correspondence.
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. Echoic
28. What are the four behavioral functions?
a. Sensory Overload, Non-Compliance, Aggression, and Compliance
b. Toys, Edibles, Praise, and Aversion
c. Sensory, Escape, Attention, and Tangibles
d. None of the above
29. Begin with the least intrusive prompt.
a. Most to least prompting
b. Forward chaining
c. Backward chaining
d. Least to most prompting
30. Removing a stimulus that decreases the future likelihood of Behavior.
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Positive punishment
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Negative punishment
31. Reinforcement is delivered on average every 2 minutes in which the behaviors occur.
a. FI-2
b. FR-2
c. VI-2
d. VR-2
32. What are the four functions of Behavior?
a. Toys, Edibles, Praise, and Aversion
b. Sensory, Escape, Attention, and Tangibles
c. Sensory Overload, Non-Compliance, Aggression, and Compliance
d. Automatic Sensory, Automatic Positive, and Social Negative
33. the following are acceptable for a professional relationship between an RBT and supervising BCBA EXCEPT ____.
a. The RBT treatment plan as directed, no matter
b. The RBT shares ideas and input about the Client
c. The BCBA feedback to the RBT about the RBT’s in the field
d. The BCBA can request that the RBT assist in parent training and functional behavior assessments
34. Which of the following are examples of preference evaluations used by behavior analysts to identify lists of appetitive stimuli?
a. Multiple Free Pick Test (MFPT)
b. Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement (MSWO)
c. Mixed Stimuli Assessment Battery (MSAB)
d. Many Stimulus Replacement (MSR)
35. Whose preferences should be prioritized while working with a client?
a. Teacher
b. Parent
c. Client
 36. Verbal Behavior of requesting
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Echoic
d. Intraverbal
36. Removing a stimulus that decreases the future likelihood of Behavior.
a. Positive Reinforcement
b. Positive punishment
c. Negative Reinforcement
d. Negative punishment
37. Â You are recording the time it takes from the presentation of the demand (Sd) to the first instance of Behavior. What are you measuring?
a. Frequency
b. Duration
c. Latency
d. IRT
38. Which Antecedent increases or decreases the value of a consequence?
a. Abolishing Operation
b. Establishing Operation
c. Motivating Operation
d. SD
39. What occurs before the Behavior?
a. Antecedent
b. Response
c. Behavior
d. Consequence
40. Example, “Do this.”
a. Sd
b. DRA
c. Sdelta
d. SR+
41. What types of Continuous data-collecting methods are you familiar with?
a. Counting
b. Frequency
c. Single Interval
d. Whole Interval
42. a young boy is playing with his toys in his room. He looks at one animal doll and exclaims, “Zebra!”
a. Tact
b. Autoclitic
c. Intraverbal
d. Echoic
43. You provide a preferred edible item for the first accurate Response after an average of 5 minutes. What kind of reinforcement schedule is this?
a. VI-5
b. FR-5
c. FI-5
d. VR-5
44. Which Antecedent raises or diminishes a consequence’s value?
a. Motivating Operation
b. Establishing Operation
c. Abolishing Operation
d. None of the above
45. Skinner defined Verbal Behavior in terms of ________over _________.
a. Negative Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement
b. Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement
c. Form, Function
d. Function, Form
46. What occurs after the Behavior?
a. Antecedent
b. Behavior
c. Response
d. Consequence
 47. What occurs before the Behavior?
a. Antecedent
b. Response
c. Behavior
d. Consequence
48. Â Adding something that will motivate a person to increase the likelihood of engaging in the target behavior again. What type of Reinforcement is this?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Continuous
d. Discontinuous
49. When deciding which minds to teach, what should you do?
a. After each Mand, teach them to say please.
b. Because it distracts other children, you should not choose food items
c. Determine what inspires your student by doing a preference assessment.
d. None of the above
50. When gathering discontinuous data, which device are you most likely to use?
a. Computer
b. Stopwatch
c. Video camera
d. Mobile phone
51. When working with a client, whose preferences should take priority?
a. Parent
b. Teacher
d. Client
52. Reinforcing gradual changes in Behavior.
a. Chaining
b. Shaping
c. Prompting
d. Reinforcing
53. Teaching a task analysis by teaching the first step first.
a. Forward chaining
b. Prompting
c. Backward chaining
d. Fading
54. Start with the least intrusive prompt.
a. Forward chaining
b. Backward chaining
c. Most minor to most prompting
d. Most to least prompting
55. A little boy is playing with his toys in his room. Holding one stuffed animal doll, he looks at her and says Zebra. What type of verbal Behavior is this?
a. Intraverbal
b. Echoic
c. Autoclitic
d. Tact
56. A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) does not include which of the following?
a. Antecedent Interventions
b. Antecedents that may be occurring before the behavior
c. Target behavior you are trying to eliminate or decrease
d. How the child feels when the Behavior is occurring
57. Which DR procedure is based on time?
a. DRA
b. DRI
c. DRO
d. All of the above
58. Which of the following is the best example of maintaining client dignity?
a. Sharing a client’s private info with RBTs
b. the waitress that your Client has autism CBI
c. Not restricting the Client’s right to food or water
d. Sharing a client’s info with a peer
59. Every ________________, supervisors must submit feedback to their direct reports.
a. two months
b. week
c. day
d. two weeks
60. Teaching the entire task analysis at once
a. Total task presentation
b. Single task presentation
c. Discriminative stimulus
d. Forward chaining