Artificial Intelligence MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. What is the complete form of “AI”?
a. Artificially Intelligent
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Artificially Intelligence
d. Advanced Intelligence
2. What is Artificial Intelligence?
a. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to make humans more intelligent
b. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to improve the security
c. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to develop intelligent machines
d. Artificial Intelligence is a field that aims to mine the data

3. Who is the inventor of Artificial Intelligence?
a. Geoffrey Hinton
b. Andrew Ng
c. John McCarthy
d. Jürgen Schmidhuber

4. Which of the following is the branch of Artificial Intelligence?
a. Machine Learning
b. Cyber forensics
c. Full-Stack Developer
d. Network Design

5. What is the goal of Artificial Intelligence?
a. To solve artificial problems
b. To extract scientific causes
c. To explain various sorts of Intelligence
d. To solve real-world problems

6. Which of the following is an application of Artificial Intelligence?
a. It helps to exploit vulnerabilities to secure the firm
b. Language understanding and problem-solving (Text analytics and NLP)
c. Easy to create a website
d. It helps to deploy applications on the cloud
7. In how many categories is the process of artificial Intelligence categorized?
a. categorized into five categories
b. processes are categorized based on the input provided
c. categorized into three categories
d. process is not categorized

8. Based on which of the following parameters Artificial Intelligence is categorized?
a. Based on functionally only
b. Based on capabilities only
c. Based on capabilities and functionally
d. It is not categorized

9. Which of the following is a component of Artificial Intelligence?
a. Learning
b. Training
c. Designing
d. Puzzling

10. What is the function of an Artificial Intelligence “Agent”?
a. Mapping of goal sequence to an action
b. Work without the direct interference of the people
c. Mapping of precept sequence to an action
d. Mapping of environment sequence to an action

11. Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence agent?
a. Learning AI agent
b. Goal-based AI agent
c. Simple reflex AI agent
d. Unity-based AI agent

12. Which of the following is not the commonly used programming language for Artificial Intelligence?
a. Perl
b. Java

13. What is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow?
a. program known as BACON
b. system known as STUDENT
c. program known as SHRDLU
d. system known as SIMD

14. What is the function of the system, Student?
a. program that can read algebra word problems only
b. system that can solve algebra word problems but not read
c. system that can read and solve algebra word problems
d. None of the mentioned

15. Which of the following is not an application of artificial Intelligence?
a. Face recognition system
b. Chatbots

16. Which of the following machines requires input from humans but can interpret the outputs themselves?
b. Sensor
c. Agents
d. AI system

17. _________ several informed search methods are there in Artificial Intelligence.
a. 4

b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

18. The total Number of proposition symbols inis are ________threea. Three proposition symbolsoneb. One Proposition symbols
c. two proposition symbols
d. No proposition symbols

19. The total Number of logical symbols in AI is ____________
a. There are three logical symbols
b. There are five logical symbols
c. Number of logical symbols is based on the input
d. Logical symbols are not used

20. Which of the following are the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?
a. Applied approach
b. Strong approach
c. Weak approach
d. All of the mentioned

21. Normalize Words Into Its Base Form Or Root Form?
a. Spanning
b. Stemming
c. Sorting
d. Normalization

22. To Overcome The Limitation Of Stemming —— Is Used?
a. Lemmatization
b. Normalization
c. Erosion
d. Spanning
23. A Set Of Commonly Used Words In Any Language, Not Just English?
a. Higher Language
b. Stop Words
c. Predefine Words
d. Common Words
24. In Which Conference did John McCarthy first coin the term “Artificial intelligence” in 1956?
a. Dartmouth Conference.
b. Acm Conference
c. Aaai Conference
d. Aaai Conference
25. Which programming language is the best choice for AI development?
a. Python
b. Java
c. Dot .Net
d. Mat-Lab
27. How Many Steps Are There In Machine Learning To Solve A Problem?
a. 3 Steps
b. 5 Steps
c. 7 Steps
d. 9 Steps
28. In Supervised Learning, There Is Given?
a. Both Inputs & Outputs
b. Only Inputs
c. Only Outputs
d. None
29. In Unsupervised Learning, There Is Given.
a. Both Inputs & Outputs
b. Only Inputs
c. Only Outputs
d. None

30. In Supervised Learning Type Of Data Is.
a. Labeled Data
b. Unlabeled Data
c. Both
d. None
31. In Unsupervised Learning Type Of Data Is.
a. Labeled Data
b. Unlabeled Data
c. Both
d. None
32. Which Algorithm Is an Example Of Supervised Learning? 
a. K-Nearest Neighbors
b. K-Means
c. Both
d. None
33. Which Algorithm Is an Example Of Unsupervised Learning? 
a. K-Means
b. K-Nearest Neighbors
c. Both
d. None
34. What Is the Date of The Birth Of Ai?
a. 1958
b. 1965
c. 1956
d. 1959
35. What Is The Name Of The First Research Lab For AI? 
a. Allen Institute Of Ai
b. Robotics Laboratory
c. First Al Laboratory
d. Turing Institute
36. In Which Year Did the First AI Research Lab Develop? 
a. 1956
b. 1959
c. 1965
d. 1960
37. Was the first robot introduced to the General Motors assembly line? 
a. 1960
b. 1959
c. 1965
d. 1956
38. The First Robot Was Introduced In 1960 To Which Assembly Line?
a. Ai Laboratory
b. General Motor’s Assembly Line
c. Allen Institute Of Ai
d. Turing Institute
39. The First Al Chatbot Name Which Introduced In 1961? 
a. Alexa
b. Siri
c. Eliza
d. Cortana
40. Who Won the 2005 Darpa Grand Challenge?
a. Stanford Team
b. Red Team
c. Team Gray
d. Team Terramax

41. In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is removed (the rest of the list), is __________
a. car
b. last
c. cons
d. cdr

4.2. Which of the following contains the output segments of Artificial Intelligence programming?
a. Printed language and synthesized speech
b. Manipulation of a physical object
c. Locomotion
d.All of the mentioned

43. LISP was created by?
a. John McCarthy

b. Marvin Minsky
c. Alan Turing
d. Allen Newell and Herbert Simon

44. Expert Ease was developed under the direction of __________
a. John McCarthy
b. Donald Michie
c. Lofti Zadeh
d. Alan Turing

45. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.

46. MLMenu, a natural language interface for the TI Explorer, is similar to __________
a. Ethernet
b. NaturalLink
d. The Personal Consultant
47. Strong Artificial Intelligence is __________
a. the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
b. a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect Intelligence generated by humans
c. the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
d. all of the mentioned

48. The traditional way to the LISP system is to enter __________
a. quit
b. exit
c. bye
d. ok

49. In which situations might a blind search be acceptable?
a. real-life situation
b. complex game
c. small search space
d. all of the mentioned

50. What is Artificial Intelligence?
a. Putting your Intelligence into Computer
b. Programming with own Intelligence
c. Making a Machine intelligent
d. Playing a Game

51. Which search method takes less memory?
a. Depth-First Search
b. Breadth-First search
c. Optimal search
d. Linear Search

52. A heuristic is a way of trying __________
a. To discover something or an idea embedded in a program
b. To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal
c. To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than the other is
d. All of the mentioned
53. How do you represent “All dogs have tails”?
a. ۷x: dog(x) àhastail(x)
b. ۷x: dog(x) àhastail(y)
c. ۷x: dog(y) àhastail(x)
d. ۷x: dog(x) àhasàtail(x)

54. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?
a. Representational Verification
b. Representational Adequacy
c. Inferential Adequacy
d. Inferential Efficiency

55. A series of Artificial Intelligence systems, developed by Pat Langley to explore the role of heuristics in scientific discovery is ________
c. MIT
d. DU

56. A.M. Turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not demonstrate artificial Intelligence; presently, this technique is called __________
a. Turing Test

b. Algorithm
c. Boolean Algebra
d. Logarithm

57. A Personal Consultant knowledge contains information in the form of __________
a. parameters
b. contexts
c. production rules
d. all of the mentioned

58. Which approach to speech recognition avoids the problem caused by the variation in speech patterns among different speakers?
a. Continuous speech recognition
b. Isolated word recognition
c. Connected word recognition
d. Speaker-dependent recognition

59. Which of the following is a component of an expert system?
a. inference engine
b. knowledge base
c. user interface
d. all of the mentioned

60. A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is __________
a. edge detection
b. binocular vision
c. model-based vision
d. robot vision

61. Which of the following machines requires human input but can interpret the outputs themselves?

a. Actuators

b. Sensor

c. Agents

d. AI system

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