Psychology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. In an experiment, the group which receives no treatment is called:
a. Experimental group
b. No group
c. Control group
d. None of these

2. Between the degree of coffee drinking if one finds a positive correlation and the likelihood of heart attacks. One can conclude that:
a. Heart attack caused by Coffee drinking
b. To drink a lot of coffee causes Individuals prone to heart attacks
c. Heart attacks caused by an active lifestyle of certain people.
d. None of these

3. ______ are primarily a result of motor skills :
a. Maturational process
b. Observing
c. Learning
d. other Practice

4. Which controls breathing and digestion, the portion of the body is called ______.
a. Autonomic

b. Linear circuit
c. Axon
d. None of these

5. In part on classical conditioning, Which of the following clinical procedures are based?
a. Two-chair technique
b. Token economy
c. Transference
d. Systematic desensitization

6. an interaction of physical and psychological factors that result in illness is called :
a. Conversion disorder
b. Psychosomatic
c. Hysterical
d. Somatic

7. Which method of gathering information about the brain indicates the overall activity of the brain?
a. Electroencephalogram
b. Electrical stimulation
c. Studying damage to the brain
d. Positron Emission Tomography

8. The response of physiological and psychological to stress referred to as :
a. Strain
b. Hypertension
c. Stressors
d. Transition

9. Rational-emotive therapy’s example which is developed by :
a. Albert Ellis
b. Carl Rogers
c. Allen Bergin
d. Joseph Wolpe

10. Society’s explicit and implicit norm violation can be viewed as not usual in the sense that the violation is :
a. Distressful
b. Dysfunctional
c. Deviant
d. A danger to one’s self or others

11. A society established to govern conduct according to the rule of implicit and explicit is referred to as :
a. Morality
b. Culture
c. Conventions
d. Norms

12. People lose touch with reality when they are _______.
a. Psychopathic
b. Psychotic
c. Manic
d. Neurotic

13. We can define intelligence as:
a. The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience
b. Include all the factors that make one person different from another
c. Knowledge of a great many facts
d. The ability to get good grades in school

14. The brain part that sends the signal that we named “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming messages is :
a. Reticular formation

b. Hippocampus
c. amygdala
d. Limbic system

15. Control of reflexes handled by the ____ :
a. Frontal lobe
b. Hypothalamus
c. Medulla
d. Spinal cord

16. As the occipital lobe is to vision, the _____ lobe is to hear.
a. Temporal
b. cerebellar
c. Frontal
d. Parietal

17. Definition of abnormality, which includes unhappiness, contains _____ aspect.
a. Deviance
b. Dysfunction
c. Danger to self or others
d. Distress

18. distinguish fine details, the ability of the eye is called:
a. visual sensitivity
b. visual acuity
c. Adaptation
d. visual dilation

19. _____ is controlled by the thyroid gland :
a. Metabolism
b. Sexuality
c. Emotions
d. Glucose absorption

20. A theory named as “Gestalt theory” emphasized:
a. Environmental stimuli
b. A flow of consciousness

c. Our tendency to see pattern
d. The atoms of thought

21. Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called:
a. Somatic
b. Hysterical
c. Psychosomatic
d. Conversion disorder

22. Which clinical procedures are based partly on classical conditioning?
a. Transference
b. Token economy
c. Two-chair technique
d. Systematic desensitization

23. When people are _____, they have lost touch with reality.
a. Manic
b. Neurotic
c. Psychotic
d. Psychopathic

24. Intelligence can be defined as:
a. Knowledge of a great many facts
b. The ability to get good grades in school
c. All the factors that make one person different from another
d. The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience

25. According to Piaget, the process of building a mental representation of the world through direct interaction with it is:
a. Adaptation

b. Conservation
c. Metacognition
d. Egocentrism

26. People who consistently come up with _____ explanations of events are more prone to depression.
a. dysthymic
b. Delusional
c. Pessimistic
d. Overly optimistic

27. The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be:
a. Inherited traits
b. Environmental factors
c. Organic brain syndrome
d. Fetal alcohol syndrome

28. An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to another is classified as:
a. Bipolar
b. Unipolar
c. Manic
d. Depressive

29. Albert Ellis and Aron Beck are names associated with the ____ therapy approach.
a. Gestalt
b. Cognitive
c. Behavioral
d. Phenomenological

30. The process by which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help people with psychological problems is known as:
a. Psychiatry
b. Psychoanalysis
c. Psychosurgery
d. Psychotherapy

31. Basic characteristics of tasks that result in social loafing is that they are:
a. Additive
b. Negative
c. Subtractive
d. Multiplicative

32. Job satisfaction is enhanced by tasks that are:
a. Very easy to accomplish
b. Overwhelming and rewarding
c. Unrelated to one’s personal needs
d. Challenging but not overwhelming

33. Piaget’s stage for infancy is:
a. Formal operation
b. Preoperational thought
c. Sensory motor thoughts
d. Concrete operations

34. When a researcher tests several groups of people simultaneously, each group at a different age, he is conducting a(n) ______ study.
a. Sequential
b. Cross-sectional
c. Longitudinal
d. Observational

35. An individual becomes a member of a social group through the process of:
a. Aging
b. Learning
c. Maturation
d. Socialization

36. The first two weeks of life are referred to as:
a. Early childhood
b. The neonatal period
c. The period of infancy
d. The preoperational stage

37. It would be more accurate to say that Maturation:
a. Can be delayed by illness or poor nutrition
b. Is dramatically accelerated by good nutrition
c. Is not affected by any environmental factors because it is genetic
d. Is greatly accelerated by good health care and delayed by illness

38. Which of the following is part of the psychosocial domain?
a. Memory
b. Judgment
c. Motor skills
d. Style of behaving

39. The stage of prenatal development during which the developing organism is most vulnerable to injury is the:
a. Embryonic stage
b. Fetal stage
c. Germinal stage
d. Zygotic stage

40. The child’s increasing skill at using his muscles is due chiefly to:
a. Maturation
b. Learning
c. Pushing by parents

d. An opportunity to exercise

41. The child becomes socialized:

a.   Fast

b.   Gradually

c.   Slowly

d.   After ego

42. What is the determinant of a child’s socialization scope?

a.   Environment

b.   Excitement

c.   Development of physique

d.   Language development

43. Individual differences are found in:

a.   Environmental situations

b.   Cognitive situations

c.   Perceptual situations

d.   Emotional situations

44. What is the result of emotional immaturity in the child?

a.   Struggle

b.   Pain

c.   Frustration

d.   Anger

45. What is the impact of other family members, besides the parents, on the child’s socialization?

a.   External

b.   Intimate

c.   Good

d.   None of these

46. How do brothers and sisters affect the socialization of the child?

a.   Continuously

b.   Indirectly

c.   Greatly

d.   Commonly

47. What does the youngest child receive from the parents?

a.   Drives

b.   Attention

c.   All requirements

d.   Affection

48. Applied aspects of social psychology include the development and perfection of techniques for measuring:

a.   Attitude

b.   Opinion

c.   Socialization

d.   Both a and b

49. The educational psychologist advises a school board on:

a.   Old Curriculum

b.   Circulation of stimulus

c.   Knack

d.   New Curriculum

50. In the school, the child faces:

a.   Struggle

b.   New society

c.   Group

d.   Resistance

51. Psychology may best be described as the scientific study of _______ and ______.

a. Mental states, physical states

b. Thoughts, emotions

c. Behavior, mental processes

d. Mental health, mental illness

52. Freud believed that adult problems usually:

a. Result in Freudian slip

b. Result in bad dreams

c. Can be traced back to the critical stage during childhood

d. Are the result of poor Behavior

53. Gestalt theory emphasizes:

A flow of consciousness

b The atoms of thought

c Environmental stimuli

d Our tendency to see a pattern

54. Whereas the _______ asked what happens when an organism does something, the _____ asked how and why.

a. functionalist, behaviorist

b. structuralist, introspectionist

c. structuralist, functionalist

d. functionalist, structuralist

55. The _____ lobe is to hearing, as the occipital lobe is to vision.

a. cerebellar

b. Parietal

c. Temporal

d. Frontal

56. Reflexes are usually controlled by the following:

a. Hypothalamus

b. Spinal cord

c. Frontal lobe

d. Medulla

57. A part of the brain that sends signals “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming messages is:

a. amygdala

b. Hippocampus

c. Limbic system

d. Reticular formation

58. Perception of the brightness of a color is affected mainly by:

a. The saturation of light waves

b. The wavelength of light waves

c. The purity of light waves

d. The amplitude of light waves

59. Which of the following is not a clue for depth perception?

a. Orientation

b. Interposition

c. Reduced clarity

d. Linear perspective

60. Psychophysics is the study of:

a. Depth perception

b. Perceptual illness

c. Movement perception

d. The psychological perception of physical stimuli

61. Muller-Lyer illusion is likely to occur more in cultures characterized by
a. People living in rectangular and square buildings
b. People living in buildings that are round and have few corners
c. People living in open spaces
d. People living in caves

62. One prominent class of theorists of deductive reasoning believes that deduction depends on _____ of inference akin to those of ______.
a. informal rules; logical calculus
b. formal rules; analytical calculus
c. procedural rules; logical calculus
d. formal rules; logical calculus

63. What is the correct sequence of products in Guilford’s structure of Intellect Model (SOI)?
a. Unit → Class → System → Relations → Implication → Transformation
b. Class → Unit → Systems → Relation → Transformation → Implication
c. Unit → Class → Relation → System → Transformation → Implication
d. Unit → Relation → Class → System → Transformation → Implication

64. Which of the following sequences passes the light through the eye?
a. Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina
b. Cornea, Lens, Pupil, Retina
c. Lens, Cornea, Pupil, Retina
d. Pupil, Cornea, Lens, Retina

65. Which one of the following statements is true in the context of item analysis?
a. Item-total correlation = Item-remainder correlation
b. Item-total correlation is greater than or equal to item-remainder correlation.
c. Item-total correlation is smaller than or equal to the item-remainder correlation.
d. Item-total correlation cannot be negative.

66. The difference in images in the two eyes is more significant for close objects and more minor for distant objects. This is an example of
a. Binocular Disparity

b. Convergence
c. Accommodation
d. Relative Size

67. Shaping in instrumental conditioning means
a. Teaching a complex sequence of behaviors by first shaping the final response in the sequence and then working backward
b. A continuous reinforcement schedule is used to establish new behaviors.
c. It involves reinforcing successive approximations of the final desired Behavior.
d. Consistent occurrence of a behavior in the presence of a discriminative stimulus.

68. According to the Trichromatic theory of color vision, which are the three types of cones?
a. Red, Yellow, and Blue
b. Red, Blue and Green
c. Yellow, Blue and Green
d. Yellow, Red, and Blue

69. Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the above study?
a. The researcher’s hypothesis has been accepted.
b. The researcher’s hypothesis has been rejected.
c. The researcher’s hypothesis has been partially accepted.
d. Inadequate data to evaluate the researcher’s hypothesis.

70. Amit met with an accident and later became aggressive, irresponsible, and less concerned with the consequences of his actions. He must have suffered damage in
a. Parietal lobe
b. Frontal lobe
c. Occipital lobe
d. Temporal lobe

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