Operating System MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. If there are multiple recycle bins for a hard disk

a. You can set different sizes for each recycle bin
b. You can choose which recycle bin to store your deleted files
c. You can make any of them the default recycle bin
d. None of the above

2. Identify false statement

a. You can find deleted files in the recycle bin
b. You can restore any files in the recycle bin if you ever need
c. You can increase the free space on the disk by sending files to the recycle bin
. d. You can right-click and choose Empty Recycle Bin to clean it at once

3. If the displayed system time and date are wrong, reset it using

a. Write
b. Calendar
c. Write file
d. Control panel

4. You should save your computer from?

a. Viruses
b. Time bombs
c. Worms
d. All of the above

5. The World Wide Web is being standard by

a. Worldwide corporation
b. W3C
c. World Wide Consortium
d. World Wide Web Standard

6. A co-processor

a. Is relatively easy to support in software
b. Causes all processors to function equally
c. Works with any application
d. It is pretty standard in modern computer

7. A Microsoft Windows is ….. a(n)

a. Operating system
b. Graphic program
c. Word Processing
d. Database program

8. Which of the following is the program group?

a. Accessories
b. Paint
c. Word
d. All of the above

9. Which is not application software?

a. Windows NT
b. Page Maker
c. WinWord XP
d. Photoshop

10. The ….. program compresses large files into a smaller file

a. WinZip
b. WinShrink
c. WinStyle
d. None of the above

11. Which of the following is an example of a real-time operating system?

a. Lynx
c. Windows XP
d. Process Control

12. Which of the following operating systems truly does not implement multitasking?

a. Windows 98
b. Windows NT
c. Windows XP

13. Which of the following Windows versions supports a 64-bit processor?

a. Windows 98
b. Windows 2000
c. Windows XP
d. Windows 95

14. Which of the following Operating Systems truly does not implement multitasking?

a. Windows 98
b. Windows NT
c. Windows XP

15. What program runs first after the computer is booted and the GUI is loaded?

a. Desktop Manager
b. File Manager
c. Windows Explorer
d. Authentication

Q15. What are file extensions?

a. Log files

b. Output types for file formats

c. Software programs

d. All of the above

Q16. What is a batch operating system?

a. Multiple individual tasks

b. Similar types of tasks are grouped

c. Tasks operating at different systems

d. All of the above

Q17. What is a time-sharing operating System?

a. Makes use of log files to do essential tasks

b. One shell seems to be shared

c. Allows users to use one System with two different terminals

d. All of the above

Q18. What of the following isn’t directly related to the operating System?


b. Software programs

c. Hardware devices

d. All of the above

Q19. What makes an operating system whole?

a. Log files

b. Input devices

c. Output devices

d. All of the above

Q20. What is FIFO scheduling?

a. First input-output scheduling

b. First in, first out scheduling

c. Free input, free output

d. All of the above

21. What is an operating system?
a. interface between the hardware and application programs
b. collection of programs that manage hardware resources
c. system service provider to the application programs
d. all of the mentioned

22. What is the primary function of the command interpreter?
a. to provide the interface between the API and application program
b. to handle the files in the operating system
c. to get and execute the following user-specified command
d. none of the mentioned

23. In Operating Systems, which of the following is/are CPU scheduling algorithms?
a. Priority
b. Round Robin
c. Shortest Job First
d. All of the mentioned

24. To access the services of the operating System, the interface is provided by the ___________
a. Library
b. System calls
c. Assembly instructions
d. API
25. CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________
a. multiprogramming operating systems
b. larger memory sized systems
c. multiprocessor systems
d. none of the mentioned

26. Which one of the following is not true?
a. kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
b. kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded into the running operating system
c. kernel is the first part of the operating System to load into memory during booting
d. kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating System

27. Which one of the following errors will be handled by the operating System?
a. lack of paper in the printer
b. connection failure in the network
c. power failure
d. all of the mentioned

28. Where is the operating System placed in the memory?
a. either low or high memory (depending on the location of the interrupt vector)
b. in the low memory
c. in the high memory
d. none of the mentioned

29. If a process fails, most operating Systems write the error information to a ______
a. new file
b. another running process
c. log file
d. none of the mentioned

30. Which of the following is not a natural time operating system?
a. RTLinux
b. Palm OS
c. QNX
d. VxWorks

31. What does OS X have?
a. monolithic kernel with modules
b. microkernel
c. monolithic kernel
d. hybrid kernel

32. In an operating system, each process has its own __________
a. open files
b. pending alarms, signals, and signal handlers
c. address space and global variables
d. all of the mentioned

33. In a timeshare operating system, when the time slot assigned to a process is completed, the process switches from the current state to?
a. Suspended state
b. Terminated state
c. Ready state
d. Blocked state

34. Cascading termination refers to the termination of all child processes if the parent process terminates ______
a. Normally or abnormally

b. Abnormally
c. Normally
d. None of the mentioned

Operating System MCQ

35. When a process is “Blocked” for I/O service. When the service is completed, it goes to the __________
a. Terminated state
b. Suspended state
c. Running state
d. Ready state

36. Transient operating system code is a code that ____________
a. stays in the memory always
b. never enters the memory space
c. comes and goes as needed
d. is not easily accessible
37. The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is concerned with ____________
a. assigning ready processes to the waiting queue
b. assigning running processes to blocked queue
c. assigning ready processes to CPU
d. all of the mentioned

38. The FCFS algorithm is particularly troublesome for ____________
a. operating systems
b. multiprocessor systems
c. time-sharing systems
d. multiprogramming systems
39. when should we check for Deadlock for an effective operating system?
a. every time a resource request is made at fixed time intervals
b. at fixed time intervals
c. every time a resource request is made
d. none of the mentioned

40. A deadlock avoidance algorithm dynamically examines the __________ to ensure that a circular wait condition can never exist.
a. operating system
b. resources
c. system storage state
d. resource allocation state

41. Swapping _______ be done when a process has pending I/O or has to execute I/O operations only into operating system buffers.
a. must never
b. maybe
c. can
d. must

42. The main memory accommodates ____________
a. CPU
b. user processes
c. operating system
d. all of the mentioned

43. What is the operating System responsible for?
a. bad-block recovery
b. booting from disk
c. disk initialization
d. all of the mentioned

44. The operating System and the other processes are protected from being modified by an already running process because ____________
a. every address generated by the CPU is being checked against the relocation and limit registers
b. they have a protection algorithm
c. they are in different memory spaces
d. they are in different logical addresses

45. The ….is the drive containing the files to be copied

a. Source drive
b. Destination drive
c. USB drive
d. None of the above

46. What is the number of characters in the primary Name (DOS)?

a. Up to 8 characters
b. three characters
c. Up to 10 characters
d. None of the above

47. Which one of the following is not a multitasking operating system?

a. DOS
b. Windows
c. Unix
d. Linux

48. The most recent version of MAC OS is based on the … Operating System

a. Windows
b. Linux
c. Unix

49. The … operating System was initially created in the early 1970s at AT and T’s Bell Labs

a. Linux
b. DOS
c. Unix
d. GNU

50. Which command is used to undelete many files with extension .doc that you deleted?

a. Undelete
b. Undelete/all
c. Undelete *.doc
d. All of the above

51. Which command is used to display the contents of the DOS text file?

a. Copy con
b. Copy
c. Type
d. Dir

52. In Windows, the start button is used to

a. Run applications
b. Device setting
c. Turn off the System
d. All of the above

53. Which of the following is an essential file of an MS-DOS boot disk?


54. Which one is true for unconditional disk formatting?

a. Destroys every byte of data on a disk by overwriting it with blank spaces
b. Do not check/scan the surface after the format
c. Transfer system files after format
d. All of the above

55. Once the text has been cut to the clipboard, you can …..that text into another document

a. Paste
b. Copy
c. Transfer
d. None of the above

56. What is the function of the radio button?

a. To select multiple options
b. To select a single option
c. To select all option
d. All of the above

57. The Banker’s algorithm is used

a. to rectify Deadlock
b. to detect Deadlock
c. to prevent Deadlock
d. to solve Deadlock

58. The primary purpose of an operating system is:

a. To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware
b. To allow people to use the computer,
c. To keep systems programmers employed
d. To make computers more straightforward to use

59. The primary purpose of an operating system is a …

a. To make the most efficient use of computer hardware
b. To allow people to use the computer
c. To keep the system programmer employed
d. To make the computer easier to use

60. You can use print manage window

a. To check the status of files in the print queue
b. To cancel the print job
c. To interrupt printing
d. All of the above

61. Which of the following operating System reads and reacts in actual time?

a. Quick Response System
b. Real-Time System
c. Time-Sharing System
d. Batch Processing System

62. All of the following are TRUE regarding virtual memory EXCEPT

a. Any amount of RAM can be allocated to virtual memory
b. The setting for the amount of hard disk drive space to allocate virtual memory can be manually changed
c. This temporary storage is called the swap file or page file
d. Virtual memory is the physical space of the hard drive

63. The essential difference between an operating system like Linux and one like Windows is that

a. Windows can run with an Intel processor, whereas Linux cannot
b. Linux is proprietary, whereas Windows is not
c. There are multiple versions of Linux, but only one version of Windows
d. Any programmer can modify Linux code, which is not permitted with Windows

64. What is dispatch latency?

a. The time taken by the dispatcher to stop one process and start another
b. The time taken by the processor to write a file into disk
c. All processor takes the whole time
d. None of Above

65. A page fault occurs when

a. The Deadlock happens
b. The segmentation starts
c. the page is found in the memory
d. the page is not found in the memory

66. Whenever you move a directory from one location to another

a. All files inside the directory are moved
b. All the subdirectorys inside that directory are moved
c. The directory is moved, but the source file is not moved
d. Both a and b

67. The Basic Input Output System (BIOS) resides in

a. RAM
b. ROM
c. The CPU
d. Memory Cache

68. Which of the following does not occur during the power-on-self-test (POST)?

a. The ScanDisk utility begins to run
b. The video card and video memory are tested
c. The BIOS identification process occurs
d. Memory chips are checked to ensure that they are working properly

69. The maximum size of a write file is limited to only

a. Name of the file
b. Extension of the file
c. The amount of memory in your computer
d. All of the above

70. Which of the following is a drop-down List?

a. List
b. Combo box
c. Text area
d. None

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